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社會結構的缺陷與再進化(UBI 的觀點與感想)
Defects and Reevolution of Social Structure (Views and Thoughts for the UBI)

1. 社會結構的缺陷與再進化
Defects and Reevolution of Social Structure 

在現有資本社會的個體的角色, 大多數的人的終其一生的努力, 一直都是處在一種立足點不平等的壓迫與無耐, 大多數的人一輩子的生活態度, 都是消極被動地為基本生活而勞祿, 整體社會結構讓大多數人沒有多餘的心力或狀態, 回頭去觀照整體社會結構的更良性互動, 因此, 我們需要更文明, 更精密的社會結構的再進化. 

In the role of the individual in the existing capital society, the efforts of the majority of people throughout their lives,has always been in a kind of standpoint of inequality of oppression and intolerance,Most people's career and life is passive in attitude toward for the basic living and labor,The overall social structure imperativlely drive most of them to have no extra effort or status to look back to the more benign interaction with the overall social structure. And hence, we need the flaws and further evolution of more civilized and sophisticated social structures. 

2. 全球個人或組織資產公開透明化
The open and transparent availability global personal or organizational assets 

在第三方提出要求, 及經被要求者同意的情況下, 政府須提供被要求者 資產公開透明化資料給申請者.
Upon the request of the third party and the consent of the requested person, the government shall provide the third party with an open and transparent information on the assets of the requested person.

現有資本社會的, 像是在玩大風吹, 也像是在瞎子摸像, 沒有人會知道面對的競爭者到底多少財富(繼承或經營得來的) 就像一個人被罩著不透光的黑布, 只能像蝙蝠一樣聽音辨位, 摸索資本天使的合作機會, 但卻隨時暴露在資本惡魔的掠奪與擺佈的被動環境當中 !  

The existing capitalist society, like playing a strong wind blowing, also like a blind touch on a elephant to figure the shape, no one knows how much wealth the prospective his competitor is (inherited or managed), just like a man covered with opaque black cloth, can only listen to sound for positioning as a bat, exploring the cooperation opportunities of capital angel, but also at any time exposing to the demon of capital predatory and mercy of the passive environment among them ! 

資本社會的運作本質及原理, 原本就是為了製造不相等的競爭條件而存在, 從資本弱勢者發展成為資本強勢者, 從相等條件發展成為不對等條件, 不斷地 創造個人及集團之間不對等的競爭結果.

The nature and principle of capitalist society's operation originally existed for the purpose of creating unequal conditions of competition.
From the development of the underprivileged to the capitalist, also from the equal conditions to the unequal conditions, that continue to create the result of unequal competition between individuals and groups, Although able to reach the highest efficiency of resource applications, however, a large part of them have also been trapped in the situation of asymmetric resources and information. 

當全球個人或組織資產的公開透明化資訊, 是可以自願方式被三要求, 並由政府提供, 每一個人可以在各種合作行為中, 如採購, 升遷, 創業機會, 組織成員等的篩選時, 更能理性地依據對向的完整條件及背景資歷來決定把機會給誰, 跟誰合作.  如此才能做出對本身及整體社會的良性發展, 做出更真正理性的資源配置的決定, 也只有如此,我們才能確實地跳脫資本社會 "放任自由競爭的必要之惡" 必然造成的 資源及資訊不對稱 的嚴重投機惡果.

When the openness and transparency of the global personal or organizational assets could be requested  by third party under voluntary consent and provided by  goverment, then, in the screening of variety of co-operational behavior, such as procurement, promotion, entrepreneurial opportunities, memberships etc, everyone can more rationally, based on the complete conditions and background of the qualifications to decide to who to give the opportunity and to who to cooperate.  

Only in this way can we make a sound and rational development of the society as a whole and make a more rational and reasonable allocation of resources.
And also, only in this way will we be able to truly escape from the capital society's "Required evil to allow free competition" that inevitably causing the serious speculative consequence of resources and information asymmetry.

3. 資本進 & 資本出 - 必需有代表全民最大利益的 國家型跨國 投資專案
Capital in & Capital out - The must of a national owned transnational investment project that represents the best interests of the entire population. 

全球私人資本 必須接受 公共資本投資事業的平衡及競爭. 既然全球私人企業已漸集中成少, 數富可敵國的大企業, 也就是說, 社會資源的流動將高度集中在這些私人企業集團, 一個國家將愈來愈難找到一個代表全民最大利益的資本平衡機制.  

Global private capital must accept the balance and competition of public capital investment. Since private enterprises in the world have gradually become the few large, bespoke enterprises, in other words, the flow of social resources will be highly concentrated in these private enterprise groups, it will become increasingly difficult for a country to find a capital balance mechanism that represents the best interests of the entire people.

因此, 一個由公民投票 授權, 以 部份全民稅收 為資本建立的全民投資基金, 獲利直接分配的全民, 確實是有存在必要的. 這個 公共資本投資營利事業 可投資到本地及全球的優質企業, 獲利所得正常繳稅, 但盈利不可納入國庫, 而是必須直接平均分配到全體國民.

Therefore, a public capital investment and profit-making project, authorized by the referendum, is indeed necessary.
This public capital investment and venture capital business project can invest in local and global high quality enterprises, with it.s income taxed as usual, but the profits can not be included in the treasury, Instead, it must be directly and equally distributed to all citizens. 

4. UBI(無條件基本收入) 的評論:
Comments on UBI(unconditional basic income): 

a. "無條件" 一詞容易讓人聯想到人性中 "不勞而獲" 的部份. 而是要更進一步地站在 "生命科學" 的立場, 去思考, 去探討人類存在的本質及人與人之間的相似性與相等性.從生物學及分子生物學的角度切入, 來比對社會經濟資源多的人跟資源少的人在自己或子女出生,其生物本質上的完整性是沒有顯著的差距的. 

a. The term "unconditional" is easily reminiscent of th "earned without hard" part of human nature.
But we need to stand still further in the position of "life sciences" to think and explorethe essence of human existence and the similarity and equality between people. From the biological and molecular biology point of view, to compare people with more social and economic resources and people with fewer resources that are born in  themselves or their children, there is no significant difference in the biological integrity of their biology.

因此, 只要是正常人, 出生在這個地球上就應該享有一份無形, 可轉換算成實際金額, 但不能被抵壓及設定或交易的固有資產, (可以拿來生利息使用-基本生活需求優先) 這跟私人資產的多少可以視為是無關的.

Therefore, as long as it is a normal person, you should have, with your birth, a copy of the inherent assets that is intangible, convertible into the actual amount, but can not be pressed and set or deal with. (can be used to generate interest to use - for use for  basic life requirement first)
This can be regarded as irrelevant to the amount of private assets.

參考: Reference:
一些研究人員急於補充說,基本收入應被視為資本 - 而不僅僅是金錢。
Some researchers have hastened to add that basic income should be viewed as capital—not just as money.
所以, 我們建議 "無條件基本收入" 是否可以改為 "生命科學固有資產收入" 以能更符合 "生命" "生命科學" 的原理及本質.
Therefore, it is suggested whether "Unconditional basic income" can be changed to "Life sciences inherent assets income", in order to better meet the "life" and "life sciences" principle and essence.

b. 最好, 最有效的 經費取得(Funding)來源方式是 公共資金的工商業投資獲利. 大量加稅支持 UBI必然不切實際, 因為全球各國各自為政(美國正帶動全球減稅競賽 ?), 大量加稅必然大量增加國家產業的競爭成本, 沒有任何一個國家冒得起這樣的風險. 少量加稅都很困難,更不用說是要大量加稅了. 所以, 現有各種稅收也只適合用於傳統的公共支出用途.

The best and most effective way to source Funding is to make profits from the business investment in public funds. A lot of tax increases to support UBI will inevitably be impractical, because all countries in the world are going their own way (Is the United States driving a global tax concession?). A large number of tax increases will inevitably significantly increase the cost of competition in national industries, that no country can risk as such. A small amount of tax increases have been very difficult, leting alone a lot of tax increases impossible.
Therefore, all kinds of existing taxes are only suitable for the traditional purpose of public expenditure

資本社會的資本運作所衍生的問題, 只有用資本運作的方法來解決, 因為, 我們既要享有資本社會的高資本運作自由度, 高效率, 高度競爭力, 及高度全球化, 我們就不可能想要利用直接牽動私人產業的競爭成本的各種稅制調整來籌措非私人用途的 UBI 類型的經費來源.

The problems derived from the capital operation of the capitalist society can only be solved by means of capital operation. For we must enjoy the high degree of capital operation freedom, high efficiency and highly competitivity in capital society, with highly globalization, we can not possibly want to finance the sources of funding for the non-private application type of UBI, by way of taking the advantage of various tax adjustments that must directly affect the competitive costs of the private sector !

5. 一"生命科學固有資產收入" 可儘可能減少各種不合理的, 壓迫情境:
"Life science inherent asset income" can minimize all possible unreasonable and oppressive circumstances:

6.1.過度, 多餘, 及煩擾的推銷行為
無擔保貸款雙向誘引, 如信用卡債, 學貸, 典當等.
詐騙, 非法招標, 綁標, 等以社會疏離為代價的自私行為.
盲從, 衝動或過度勉強的投資行為.
違規廠房, 違章建築及不合理土地使用
淺碟型, 封閉的公共政策及政黨運作

6.10.資本進 & 資本出, 完全基於民主資本社會的良性競爭原理, 與社會主義的集體怠墮難困境無關.
6.12.更好的人際互助合作環境, 機會及能力, 更好的整體競爭力.

6.1. Excessive, unnecessary, and annoying sales practices.

6.2. Bidirectionally seduced unsecured loans , such as credit card debt, student loans, pawn and so on.

6.3. Fraudulent, illegal bidding, tie-up, and other selfish acts at the expense of social
6.4. Blind, impulsive or over-reluctant investment behavior.
6.5. The unparalleled dependence and stubbornness of pensions.
6.6. Disguised dispatch work.
6.7. Environmental pollution that violates regulations in order to reduce costs
6.8. Violation of factory premises, illegal buildings and unreasonable land use.
6.9. Shallow Disclosure, Closed Public Policy and Operation of Political Parties.
6.10. Capital in & Capital out - are completely based on the principle of benign competition in a democratic capital society, and have nothing to do with the collective lazy dilemma of socialism.
6.11. Significantly enhance the medium and long-term sustainability of research and development in basic and applied science and technology.
6.12. Better interpersonal cooperation environment, opportunities and capabilities, better overall competitiveness.

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